New version, some fixes and of course GDPR

We have shipped a new version of Drillysis, version 1.11.0. The new version contains some functionality improvements and a few “bug” fixes. Most importantly though we have made the required changes to be compliant with the European Unions General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

About the GDPR

Image of Lock inside stars, sign of the European UnionAs you might have probably heard (unless you haven’t used the internet in quite some time now) the new data protection regulation by the EU, will be in full effect from May 25th 2018. As an online service having users from the European Union, we want to be compliant. You most probably have received quite a few e-mails from the various services that you use (and probably from quite a few you didn’t even remember ever using) that there have been some updates to their privacy policies. Yes, we too have sent such an email.

Our privacy policy, terms of service and cookie policy are on our website, where you can read them and get up to date. Allow me, nevertheless to give you a brief version of the GDPR related additions to the new version.

The most important thing to note here, is that we do not collect and of course do not share any private information about our users. However, according to the regulation, user e-mails and names are personal information, since they can actually help identify a human being. This is the only personal information that we store in our databases. We do however take the required security measures in order to protect your data (personal or otherwise) and will continuously improve our infrastructure so that we are constantly up to date.

In terms of added features due to the GDPR we have implemented the following functionalities:

  • Users have access to their complete profile, on what information is stored for their account in Drillysis. You can also export the said information in a pdf.
  • Users who no longer wish to continue their use of Drillysis can delete their accounts. We must note however, that we will maintain information required the account having to do with business transactions and company accounts that we are obliged by law to keep in store.

The version update


  1. We have improved the “rendering” of the company/project logos on the Borehole Log output. In some cases, company logos appeared improperly stretched or resized. Now they are properly resized to fit in the logo placeholders on the top left/top right sections of the log
  2. Improved the appearance of Description texts in the columns.
  3. Improved the selection of the depth segment colors. You can now choose to copy the background colors of the segments from another column if you so choose, plus we have improved the selection of the colors in the color dialog (windows app)
  4. A print preview dialog has been added to the Windows App.
  5. Paging functionality has been introduced in the web application, for columns with too many depth segments. You can choose the total number of segments to display per page when editing a column in your user prefences page. NOTE: This has to do with the lists of segments being edited, it does not affect the paging in the log output. This is still determined by the units per page you select in the page layout section.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed Triaxial Shear Strength tests data editing in the Web application, where in some cases it would not display the dialog for the extra test field values.
  2. Fixed an error that would cause the log output to get out of focus after printing in the windows application.
  3. Fixed the Permeability column to show the correct precision of data in exponential form.
  4. Added some performance improvements to make the windows application go a little faster.

If you have any questions regarding our service, either having to do with the GDPR compliance, or the service itself, we will be happy to hear from you via our contact methods